About MaxAPEX
About Our Excellence

Established in 2008, MaxAPEX(ISO 27001:2022) is an Oracle APEX hosting company providing diverse and customized hosting solutions for its clients. MaxAPEX’s expertise, commitment, and subsequent benefits for its clients enabled the hosting company to quickly expand its operations. MaxAPEX distinguishes itself through its commitment to reliability, ensuring 99% uptime, and providing 24/7 support to its customers. Today, MaxAPEX has an incredible clientele of hundreds of highly satisfied and growing businesses across 85+ countries.

MaxAPEX is ever mindful of the financial implications of our hosting solutions. This deliberation and efficiency of MaxAPEX’s principals lend themselves to the cost-effectiveness of the company’s Oracle APEX hosting. The company’s versatility makes it highly capable of providing a wide range of hosting services, from hosting small applications to large-scale applications with GBs of data.
MaxAPEX Company Profile
Explore the MaxAPEX Company Profile to discover our services and expertise. We offer comprehensive solutions tailored to your needs, delivering exceptional customer support and ensuring your satisfaction.

About Our Experts
MaxAPEX employs and maintains qualified, experienced, and committed application hosting professionals in the industry. Seasoned team leaders and project managers lead the enterprising experts at MaxAPEX, getting the best work out of our application hosting every day.
About Our Data Center
MaxAPEX hosts state-of-the-art data centers that act as the robust and reliable command and control base needed for premium hosting and related support services. Qualified and well-managed teams maintain the data center, enabling the hosting, and support talent at MaxAPEX to deliver their best work for the clients and their projects. We have Shared servers in USA, UK, Germany, and Australia.
Our Dedicated Servers in Australia East (Sydney), Brazil East (Sao Paulo), Germany Central (Frankfurt), Germany (Nuremberg), Saudi Arabia West (Jeddah), Singapore (Singapore), South Africa Central (Johannesburg), US East (Ashburn, Virginia), Hillsboro, Oregon, US West (Phoenix), Spain (Madrid), Netherlands (Amsterdam), Poland (Warsaw), UK South (London).